Who has helped me

Find out more about those who work to make my stuff better. These are all incredibly talented people
who know so much more than me.


  • Jennifer Dinsmore Editorial
    -Jennifer edited my Aphotic series, and damn, she made me look like I knew what I was doing. And, even better, she's just a lovely person.

  • Camille Codling
    Artist, tattoo artist, and my daughter-in-law (who's apparently trying to cover every inch of my son's body in tattoos). She's done all the covers to the Aphotic and Ugly Stories books.

  • Jenn Johnson
    Jenn is the incredible voice behind my audio books. She's not just exceeded my high expectations, she also put up with my unpronounceable words, my requests for bad Monty Python accents, and my requests for weird voice effects.

  • Watertower Hill Publishing
    WTHP will be publishing at least two books written by both me and my co-writer, Robert Edgar Walton (who tends to go by his real name, Dale Long, most of the time)

  • Robert Edgar Walton / Dale Long
    Friend, brother from another mother, Newfie, bad punmeister, idea generator, co-writer, and often the swift kick in the ass I need to get writing.

  • Gary Whitbourn
    Friend, former coworker, and all-round hilarious guy to hang out with. Gary's the guy that took the unenviable job of recording and editing my squeaking and honking into something that would work on an audiobook recording. And no, I didn't forget the link...Mr. Whitbourn is linkless.