You should be reading
This site isn't just about me. Sure, I've got books to push, but there's a ton of talented indie authors out there that you should be reading. This is just a small portion of them.
Oh...and some of my all-time favourite books...eventually.
indie Authors you should read
I love and support every one of these people...and I hope you do too. If you're looking for a great next read, you can't go wrong with any of these authors.
Daniel J. Barnes
One of the hardest working indie authors on the planet (aside from Yahaya Baruwa). Far too many books to mention!
Check out the Hartwalker books and Fear Trigger
.🍁Stefanie Barnfather
One of the coolest, nicest people I had the pleasure of knowing in my short time on social media.
Check out Beneath the Birch Trees and You Know What I Think?
.🍁Yahaya Baruwa
The other hardest working indie author (aside from Dan Barnes), and one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet.
Check out Struggles of a Dreamer
.J.P. Behrens
Really looking forward to more cosmic horror shenanigans from this author.
Check out Missing in Miskatonic: A Travis Daniels Investigation
.Felix Blackwell
Check out Stolen Tongues and The Church Beneath the Roots
.Brian Bowyer
This guy's life is insane. He's cool.Check out Old Too Soon, Kill Factor, and Writing and Rising From Addiction
.David Buzan
Incredible person, insanely supportive, and a brilliant author.Check out In The Lair of Legends
.Carolina Cardona
Wonderful person, constantly overworked, and writes beautiful stories about robots.Check out Andújar: The Robot Gentleman of San Juan
.🍁Brooklyn Cross
Incredibly prolific, incredibly wonderful, bestselling author, and my niece.Check out...well, all of her stuff...she writes about a book a week!
.🍁Mike Dineen
Yet another super-nice guy, very helpful, and very funny.Check out Latcher
.Meghan Douglass
An absolute sweetheart, and a great author who doesn't write fast enough.Check out Humanity Lost and Tormented Tales
.J.E. Erickson
One of my absolute favourite horror authors, indie or otherwise. Just brilliant and talented as hell.Check out Always, In This Nightmare, Dust Bunnies From Hell, and The Tale of the Abrams Witch
.Debra Every
One of my absolute favourite horror people, an incredible writer, and a wonderful soul.Check out Deena Undone
.🍁Marcus Hawke
Very cool Canadian, and I swear, every book of his is better than the one before it.Check out Grey Noise, The Axe Remembers, and You Can't Take It With You
.🍁Claire Horsnell
One of my oldest "writer friends" and someone who it's just a joy to be around.Check out The Crowsbook Demons and The Caretakers
.Sarah Jane Huntington
I have to read more of her stuff!
Check out Paint It Black and Other Stories
.Dr. Stuart Knott
This guy! Absolutely love his work. His writing just sucks me into the story.Check out Here There Be and the Whispers From The Black collections
.Eric Leland
He's written one of the best horror novels I've ever read, AND he was nice enough to blurb my first book.
Check out Inhuman
.🍁Ayla Marie
Ayla is far too young to be this talented. She's wonderful, but damn, she makes me jealous!
Check out The Blood Prince and The Uncrowned King
.L.C. Marino
A shockingly good author, and one half of Sobelo Books, who put out some amazing stuff
Check out The Haunting of the Whispering House series
.🍁Tim McGregor
Quiet, humble, and a monstrously incredible author. So many books to read!
Check out Wasps in the Ice Cream, Hearts Strange and Dreadful, and Eynhallow
.🍁Patrick McNulty
We met as table neighbours at dReadCon 2024 and we had a blast all day!
Check out A Dark Breed, Avernus Island, and God of the Dead
.🍁Jordan Murray
Yet another young lady with far too much talent. A great friend and co-worker.
Check out Bird Boy, I Did It For You, and The Clearing
.C.F. Page
Another one of my favourite social media meets. Page writes like no one else I know. Amazing stuff.
Check out Native Fear and Orphans of the Atercosm
.Sophia Paige
If you're looking for a spicier read, Paige is just starting out, but she can write!
Check out the Discover series
.Jack Reigns
One of my last meets on social media, and boy, I'm glad I did. His collections kick ass.
Check out the Reigns of Terror collections
.🍁Steven Ross
One of my earliest meets on social media, Ross is a great guy, and one hell of a writer.
Check out Love of the Hunt and Fear of the Hunt
.🍁Steve Stred
A literal force of nature in the indie horror world and a constant supporter of indie authors.
Check out Mastodon and When I Look At the Sky, All I See Are Stars
.Dzinitra Sullivan
Zee caught my eye early on back in the Twitter days with her hilarious posts. She caught my respect with her dedication to her craft. Amazing person and treasured friend.
Check out all her books and series. She's got a lot to choose from!.
Craig Wallwork
One of Craig's books was recommended to me...and his writing blew me away.
Check out Human Tenderloin
.🍁Tamel Wino
One of the first indie authors I read, and immediately knew he should have a massive readership.
Check out Ékleipsis and Ékleipsis: The Abyss
.🍁Sheila E. Young
Absolutely one of my favourite human beings ever, and her book is one hell of a lot of fun.
Check out Mac
favourite books
A list of the books I've enjoyed most of all, or had the greatest impact on me.
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski
This is just a gorgeously written general fiction novel, mostly about a boy and his dog. It's a rural Wisconson version of Hamlet, and it's not my normal type of read, but I completely adore this book. It's prequel, Familiaris (that was published after) is also very good.
The Shining - Stephen King
The very first book to actually scare the shit out of me. I was fifteen, and I was alone in the house, reading it in the living room and I hit Room 217 and the woman in the tub. It's one of the best horror novels ever written, but that particular event will always have my respect.
The Girl Next Door - Jack Ketchum
You will never feel good for having read a Jack Ketchum story. He writes uglier stories about far more terrible people doing so much more horrible things than I ever could, and this book—that I've read four times now—has taught me so much, while also unsettling me so much.
...more to come.